Past years which are filled with great
memories, happiness, judgments, sorrows and not well characteristics which shown
up. The feature which makes me change but worse.
The world as we have created, it is the
process of our thinking, Albert Eistein.
And now it's New Year, new personality
must approach. I will transform myself and seek for better. I love my parents
and I want to show this love by obeying and honoring them. As the bible say
that before you can show your obedience to God, obey your parents first.
But if ever, we must not wait for another
year to change. We have our own heart and mind to choose the wisest decision.
"Change will not come if we wait for
some other person, or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've
been waiting for. We are the change that we seek"
-Barack Obama
-God loves us unconditionally! God bless :)
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